W koszyku
Songs and Verses of the War / Bulat Okudjava. - USSR : Melodia, 1985. - 1 płyta audio : zapis analogowy, 33 obr./min, stereo. ; 30 cm.
Forma i typ
Przynależność kulturowa
Symbol UKD
Pliki multimedialne:
Strefa uwag:
Uwaga dotycząca zawartości
Zawiera: Strona A: Song of Lenka Korolev ; The First Wound ; Ducking a Bullet... ; Telegraph of My Soul ; Song of Infantry ; The Sunset Reddened Hundred Times... ; The First Time at the ; Front-Line ; Song of the Moscow Volunteer Brigade (from the film "The Great Patriotic") ; Jazzmen ; Fading and Increasing... ; Song of Soldier's Boots ; Caspian Roach ; Taman ; Don't Order, Sergeant-Major... ; Good-Bye, Boys. Strona B: Lucky Lot ; In a Southern Front-Line Town... ; The Wonder of Walking... ; Cranes ; We Shall Not Grudge the Price, song from the film "Byelorussian Station ; A Carrot from an Abendoned Kitchen-Garden ; Trip through Memory ; Take Your Great Coat and Go Home, song from the film "From Dawn to Dawn" music by V. Levashov ; The First Post-War Tango ; Small Orchestra.
Uwaga dotycząca uczestników/wykonawców
Bulat Okudjava, śpiew.
Uwaga dotycząca daty, czasu i miejsca zdarzenia
Nagrania z lat 1969-1984.
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